Looking for help with your thesis? Try our thesis statement finder tool! It will help you create a custom-made thesis statement for an argumentative, informative, or comparative essay.
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This thesis statement finder will save your time and nerves! Follow these 3 steps:
A thesis statement is the last sentence of the introductory paragraph.
If your text is longer, for example, in a research paper, you can find this sentence at the end of the introduction.
But to make sure the line you’ve spotted is the one, you should know the roles of a thesis statement.
Online education is beneficial for low-income students because it gives them better access to education resources, trains their online learning skills, and eliminates the need to travel abroad.
Here the author united three random facts under a single idea that online education helps poor students.
This essay will explore the adverse consequences of globalization in terms of third-world economic development.
Here the author puts away the positive effects of globalization and focuses on the negative outcome for the developing economies.
This essay aims to prove that a prison sentence does not rehabilitate dangerous criminals.
This example implies the author’s opinion: confinement is ineffective for severe offenders.
All the examples above tell the reader that they will find a proper explanation in the main body. However, the first variant gives only a hint, and the other two provide an explicit formula: “This essay will…”
A PhD thesis statement is explicit and takes the form of a separate sentence in the first part of the dissertation. Still, some types of academic writing include the thesis only in the conclusion.
On the other hand, you’ll rarely find a specific sentence summing up the central concept in literary works. On the contrary, your job as the reader is to find out what the piece conveys. In such cases, you have to deal with an implicit thesis statement, i.e., the message is transmitted indirectly throughout the entire work. (In literature, we call it the theme.)
Academic papers may also rely on implicit thesis statements, although quite rarely.
A thesis statement is a line that sums up the key message of your paper. Unfortunately, you will never formulate it on the first try before the entire work is ready. After all, a good thesis comprises your principal conclusions. You will work on this single sentence throughout the time you dedicate to the paper. And even if you come up with an idea in the process, it will likely require editing.
Still, you’ll have to formulate an initial or working thesis statement at the beginning of your work on a Master’s or PhD topic. It will also create direction and structure in the essay. Here’s how you can do it.
If your assignment already contains the question, you can skip this point. You’ll have to distill the task into a single interrogatory sentence in all the other cases. No matter how complicated the assignment is, it is always possible to reduce it.
For example, consider the task:
Based on the proposed literature, research the positive and negative features of the teaching methods of the previous century.
If you turn it into a question, you’ll get:
What were the positive and negative features of theteaching methods of the previous century?
If an assignment contains several questions, look for the most general one. The remaining ones will help you structure the text.
Once you’ve completed the initial research and determined your opinion about the studied problem, write down a tentative answer to the question we described above. It will be non-academic and straightforward at this point but enough to guide the research and writing. Here is an explanation of what you are expected to write in a thesis statement of each essay genre. Press “Show Example” to consult the illustrations of each variant in our tool.
Your answer will flesh out as you read into the topic and start writing on it. This step narrows down the scope of your future research and saves you much time. The more specific the thesis statement is, the less literature you’ll have to search for the necessary facts.
Why is this your answer? How do you plan to convince the reader? Which information should be mentioned in this sentence to disambiguate it? The final version of a thesis statement doesn’t just clarify your opinion. It summarizes the argument and states what it does not comprise.
For instance, your draft answer was as follows:
Screen time is bad because it deteriorates eyesight and increases nervousness.
Thus, a final version could be:
Extended screen time for children under ten years old is unwanted, as it deteriorates their eyesight and raises the possibility of nervous disorders.
Below you can find a thesis generator free checker: look through the checklist to verify the result.
Thus, a good thesis statement:
Weak example | Strong example |
People living under stress have more chronic diseases. | The research has demonstrated that people living under constant stress have a higher probability of developing chronic heart conditions. |
Weak example | Strong example |
This essay analyses the psychological effects of being the worst student in the class. | This essay analyses the adverse psychological effects of being the worst student in the class and explores the methods of their correction. |
Weak example | Strong example |
Thus, what are the consequences of working while attending a full-time educational course? | This paper explores the consequences of working while attending a full-time educational course. |
Weak example | Strong example |
George Orwell’s Animal Farm illustrates a corrupt society. | George Orwell’s Animal Farm illustrates how an idea taken to the extremes can harm society compared to democratic ideas. |
Weak example | Strong example |
Ernest Hemingway’s The Winner Takes Nothing describes people in everyday life situations. They are depressed and struggle to see the bright side of an event. Thus, the author shows how the perception of the same circumstances can vary depending on our mood. | Ernest Hemingway’s The Winner Takes Nothing illustrates how the perception of the same circumstances can vary depending on our mood, describing the reaction of depressed characters to everyday life situations. |
A weak thesis | A strong thesis |
Is dispersed throughout the introduction. | Is the final sentence of the introductory paragraph. |
A thesis statement finder is a tool that analyses your central finding and the evidence you used in its support to create a perfect thesis. It is adjustable to the essay genre in question, as the same thesis for an analytical and argumentative text will be different. If you doubt the genre, you can check the example.
A thesis statement is located at the end of the last introductory paragraph in most texts. More rarely, it can be found in the conclusion. But most literary works and even some academic papers have an implicit thesis statement. To know if you’ve spotted the right sentence, check if it conveys the central message of the text.
If you ask this question doubting how to write a thesis statement correctly, don’t make it longer than two sentences. One would be even better. Professional researchers working on a hundred-page text can formulate their thesis in three or even four sentences. But for educational purposes, that is too much.
Updated: May 24th, 2024