Im building a good cleric who will be taking the Summon good monster feat. I get that it gives me an expanded summoning list in which to choose from. What I do not understand is how the diehard feat will work for the summons. Diehard
Benefit: When your hit point total is below 0, but you are not dead, you automatically stabilize. You do not need to make a Constitution check each round to avoid losing additional hit points. You may choose to act as if you were disabled, rather than dying. You must make this decision as soon as you are reduced to negative hit points (even if it isn't your turn). If you do not choose to act as if you were disabled, you immediately fall unconscious. When using this feat, you are staggered. You can take a move action without further injuring yourself, but if you perform any standard action (or any other action deemed as strenuous, including some swift actions, such as casting a quickened spell) you take 1 point of damage after completing the act. If your negative hit points are equal to or greater than your Constitution score, you immediately die.
My understanding of how summons work is that they keep fighting until either the duration expires, they are banished/dismissed somehow, or they are killed. By killed I mean their HP is reduced to 0, since at that point they are returned to wherever they came from since you cant easily kill a summon. So does the feat simply mean they are able to continue in the fight until they are reduced to their con value?